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Es sind noch Plätze frei: 2 Wochen bis zur nächsten 1024 LAN im Süden Deutschlands


Es sind noch Plätze frei: 2 Wochen bis zur nächsten 1024 LAN im Süden Deutschlands

Montag, 15.05.2023 20:09
Philipp 1024|Phil Schelkle

Hallo liebe LAN-Party-Freunde,

nach 3 Jahren der "LAN-Party Dürre" findet in 2 Wochen, vom 26.05.-28.05.23, die LAN-Party unserer Kollegen vom 1024LAN e.V. statt. Euch erwarten:

Ein toller Deko Contest, spannende offline Events und das gewohnte LAN Feeling.

Neben Turnieren, gutem Essen und jeder Menge Spaß findet ihr bei unseren Freunden viele Fun-Events mit einer magischen Atmosphäre streng nach dem diesjährigen Motto: -1024LAN #11en und 1hörner- . Als Besonderheit haben sich die Jungs und Mädels dieses Jahr einen thematisch passenden "fabelhaften Deko-Contest" überlegt.

Veranstaltungsort: Festhalle Wetzisreute in Schlier

Mehr dazu unter

Sichert euch jetzt Tickets für die letzten Plätze (Anmeldung bis 24.05. - 19.00 Uhr möglich)
Für die ganz Spontanen unter euch gibt es eine Abendkasse vor Ort ;)
Das Team der 1024LAN freut sich auf euch!

Beste Grüße
Euer NetQuarter-Team

Sonstiges >> Kommentare > Es sind noch Plätze frei: 2 Wochen bis zur nächsten 1024 LAN im Süden Deutschlands
( Antwort erstellen )

Autor Thema: Es sind noch Plätze frei: 2 Wochen bis zur nächsten 1024 LAN im Süden Deutschlands
|NQ|Flying Don
26.05.2023 um 18:14 AntwortBenutzerprofilNachricht senden


Clan: Now we have the Salad

Postings: 33

Klingt nice, aber wann gibts wieder eine NETQUARTER ? Frage für einen Freund (sk4b)

04.06.2023 um 00:26 AntwortBenutzerprofilNachricht senden

Clan: Crew of Captains -]CoC[-

Postings: 3


[ Antwort erstellen ]


Derzeit gibt es keine aktuellen Umfragen.





found 219 debug messages

0.000099 - GLOBAL::include              -> config.php
0.010158 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.011895 - dotDatabase::getInstance     -> connection: database
0.011966 - dotDatabase::__construct     -> connection: database
0.012045 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.014661 - page::getInstance            -> do
0.014797 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.017107 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.017189 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.018271 - dotSession::start            -> ---- init
0.018288 - dotSession::start            -> start php session managment
0.018493 - dotSession::start            -> finished php session management
0.018500 - dotSession::start            -> save user and host information to new session_array
0.018508 - dotSession::start            -> check for security options
0.169117 - dotSession::start            -> lookup ip2country
0.169196 - dotDatabase::connect         -> d031ea8a@localhost
0.170223 - dotDatabase::select          -> database: d031ea8a
0.170824 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT `code` FROM `country_ip2code` WHERE 59847439 BETWEEN ip_from AND ip_to
0.171671 - dotSession::start            -> update current session online user infos
0.171776 - dotDatabase::query           -> UPDATE session SET lastactivity = 1725168905, userid = 0, site = '', host = '', dns = '', countrycode = 'US', hits = hits + 1 WHERE hash = 'b6431af82f88e644acc910fd4d623eb9'
0.172690 - dotSession::start            -> no session found in db == insert new db sesssion
0.172806 - dotDatabase::query           -> INSERT INTO `session`SET hash = 'b6431af82f88e644acc910fd4d623eb9', lastactivity = 1725168905, userid = 0, site = '', referer = '', useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;', host = '', dns = '', countrycode = 'US', hits = 1
0.173492 - dotSession::load_locales     -> do
0.173654 - dotSession::load_locales     -> chosing language for locales: de_DE.UTF-8
0.173691 - dotSession::start            -> ---- finished with session startup
0.173736 - dotSession::load_user        -> id: 0
0.173771 - user::get_user               -> id: >0<
0.173811 - dotDatabase::getInstance     -> connection: database
0.173904 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.175393 - styles::load                 -> name: ><
0.175505 - styles::load                 -> include: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.177570 - styles::activate             -> style = netquarter
0.177849 - user::in_group               -> user_id=0 group_ids: 21
0.177889 - user::in_group               -> user_id=0 group_ids: 23
0.177921 - user::in_group               -> user_id=0 group_ids: 1
0.177947 - user::in_group               -> user_id=0 group_ids: 21
0.177972 - user::in_group               -> user_id=0 group_ids: 23
0.177996 - user::in_group               -> user_id=0 group_ids: 27
0.178019 - user::in_group               -> user_id=0 group_ids: 30
0.178045 - user::in_group               -> user_id=0 group_ids: 1
0.178240 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.179242 - admin::getInstance           -> do
0.179283 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.179313 - admin::__construct           -> user_id=0
0.179337 - user::load_settings          -> load current user settings to $global
0.179393 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.180408 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.182118 - EVENT::comming_event         -> return
0.182170 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT id FROM events WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end) > 1725168905 AND active=1 ORDER by begin ASC
0.182956 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT id FROM events WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end) < 1725168905 AND active=1 ORDER by begin DESC LIMIT 1
0.183790 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.185836 - GLOBAL::end global.php       -> ---------------------------------------------
0.188031 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT AS id, u.nick, u.vorname, u.nachname,, o.funktion, o.group_id, AS group_name, o.display_team FROM user_orga AS o LEFT JOIN user AS u ON LEFT JOIN user_orgagroups AS g ON WHERE o.group_id>0 ORDER by g.display_order ASC, u.nick ASC, o.display_order ASC, u.nick ASC
0.189415 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT begin, end FROM events ORDER BY end DESC LIMIT 0,1
0.190673 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT * FROM sponsoren WHERE group_id = '7' AND active = 1 ORDER BY display_order DESC
0.191157 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT * FROM sponsoren WHERE group_id = '6' AND active = 1 ORDER BY display_order DESC
0.191684 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.195135 - NEWS::show_comments          -> id >572<
0.195178 - NEWS::get_post               -> id >572<
0.195207 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT, section_id,, encode, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateline) AS date_unix, news_post.headline, news_post.short, news_post.content, user_id, generator_id, user.nick, user.vorname, user.nachname, user.countrycode, comments, intern, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(edited) AS edittime, edituser, news_section.template FROM news_post LEFT JOIN user ON LEFT JOIN news_section ON WHERE'572' AND active=1 AND dateline
0.196885 - user::get_user               -> id: >2194<
0.196945 - dotDatabase::getInstance     -> connection: database
0.196991 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(geb) AS geb_unix FROM user WHERE id = 2194 ORDER by id DESC
0.197903 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.204800 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT threadid FROM forum_thread WHERE ext='news' AND ext_id=572
0.206246 - FORUM::showthread            -> get common forum and thread infos
0.206255 - FORUM::thread_lastvisit      -> threadid: 2609
0.206264 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT postid FROM forum_post WHERE threadid=2609 AND dateline > '' ORDER by postid ASC LIMIT 1
0.206643 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT threadid, dateline FROM forum_post WHERE postid=40696
0.206796 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT (COUNT(*)+1) AS position FROM forum_post WHERE threadid=2609 AND dateline < '2023-05-26 18:14:57'
0.206993 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT f.title AS forumname, f.catid, f.closed AS forum_closed, f.moderators, t.forumid, t.title, t.closed AS thread_closed, t.invisible AS thread_invisible, t.fv_id, f.priv_access, f.private, t.replies, t.ext, t.ext_id, t.show_latest, t.sticky, t.lastposttime FROM forum_thread AS t LEFT JOIN forum_main AS f ON t.forumid=f.forumid WHERE t.threadid='2609'
0.207347 - FORUM::is_moderator          -> for forumid: 12
0.207361 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT moderators FROM forum_main WHERE forumid='12'
0.207468 - admin::getInstance           -> do
0.207483 - admin::hasRight              -> check for adminright: >0:0 & 32< FALSE
0.207489 - admin::getInstance           -> do
0.207496 - admin::hasRight              -> check for adminright: >0:0 & 16777216< FALSE
0.207500 - admin::getInstance           -> do
0.207506 - admin::hasRight              -> check for adminright: >0:0 & 64< FALSE
0.207510 - admin::getInstance           -> do
0.207517 - admin::hasRight              -> check for adminright: >0:0 & 32< FALSE
0.207521 - admin::getInstance           -> do
0.207527 - admin::hasRight              -> check for adminright: >0:0 & 16777216< FALSE
0.207531 - admin::getInstance           -> do
0.207538 - admin::hasRight              -> check for adminright: >0:0 & 64< FALSE
0.207549 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.208167 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT title FROM forum_cat WHERE catid=3
0.208468 - dotDatabase::query           -> UPDATE forum_thread SET hits=hits+1 WHERE threadid='2609'
0.208840 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT user_id FROM user_orga WHERE display_team=1
0.209083 - FORUM::showthread            -> query all postings
0.209098 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT postid, threadid, userid, pagetext, htmltext, locked, invisible, remoteip, locked, forum_post.dateline, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(forum_post.dateline) AS stamp, AS user_id, user.nick AS user_nick, user.clan AS user_clan, user.clantag, user.stats_postings AS user_postings, user.motto AS user_motto, user.female, user.countrycode, user.avatar,user.avatar_name, edit_user_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(edited) AS edit_unixtime, edit.nick AS edit_nick, IF(edit_user_id > 0,0,1) AS history, attachment_id, filename, filesize FROM forum_post LEFT JOIN user ON = forum_post.userid LEFT JOIN user AS edit ON = forum_post.edit_user_id LEFT JOIN forum_files ON forum_post.attachment_id = WHERE threadid = 2609 AND forum_post.invisible=0 ORDER by postid ASC LIMIT 0,30
0.209461 - HTML::template               -> template: >forum_postingpart<
0.209714 - HTML::template               -> template: >forum_postingpart<
0.209747 - HTML::template               -> template: >forum_postingindex<
0.209969 - FORUM::showthread            -> check for moderator utils
0.209977 - FORUM::update_visit          -> forumid: 12 threadid: 2609 posttime: 2023-06-04 00:26:43
0.209988 - FORUM::extern_display        -> news > 572
0.209997 - NEWS::get_news_post          -> id >572< + comments
0.210003 - NEWS::get_post               -> id >572<
0.210007 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT, section_id,, encode, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateline) AS date_unix, news_post.headline, news_post.short, news_post.content, user_id, generator_id, user.nick, user.vorname, user.nachname, user.countrycode, comments, intern, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(edited) AS edittime, edituser, news_section.template FROM news_post LEFT JOIN user ON LEFT JOIN news_section ON WHERE'572' AND active=1 AND dateline
0.210205 - user::get_user               -> id: >2194<
0.210214 - user::get_user               -> found in cache
0.210226 - HTML::encodeCms              -> 
0.210283 - HTML::encode                 -> Hallo liebe LAN-Party-Freunde, nach 3 Jahren der "LAN-Party...
0.210304 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT `code`, `smily` FROM html_smilies ORDER by LENGTH(code) DESC
0.211412 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT codetag, codereplacement, twoparams FROM html_code
0.211671 - HTML::encode                 -> replace run 1
0.211801 - HTML::template               -> template: >news_single<
0.212047 - GLOBAL::end userspace        -> ---------------------------------------------
0.212054 - PAGE::render                 -> start rendering page layout
0.212059 - USER::check_for_new_messages -> return
0.212066 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.212085 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- side=left
0.212098 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.212864 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::menu_main
0.212876 - CBOX::menu                   -> generate Menu Box >menu<
0.212902 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.212951 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.212965 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.212976 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.212986 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.212996 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.213006 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.213016 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu<
0.213059 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.213075 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.213113 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::menu_login
0.213121 - CBOX::menu                   -> generate Menu Box >login<
0.213129 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.213145 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.213155 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu<
0.213172 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.213186 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.213202 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- ignore: left::menu_user
0.213206 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::menu_shifts
0.213211 - CBOX::menu                   -> generate Menu Box >shifts<
0.213237 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.213250 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.213260 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu<
0.213277 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.213289 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.213302 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::banner
0.213315 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
0.213493 - CACHE::get                   -> cache: >sponsoren_3::cbox_netquarter.de_DE< found
0.213539 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.213554 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.213573 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::buddylist
0.213580 - CBOX::buddylist              -> generate Box
0.213587 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_buddylist_msg<
0.213621 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_buddylist<
0.213661 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.213690 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.213706 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::follow
0.213713 - CBOX::template               -> generate Box with >box_follow< as template
0.213718 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_follow<
0.213764 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.213776 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.213792 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::search
0.213798 - CBOX::template               -> generate Box with >box_suchen< as template
0.213826 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_suchen<
0.213916 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.213928 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.213945 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- side=right
0.213953 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::vote
0.213959 - CBOX::vote                   -> generate Box
0.213964 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT v_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(v_ende) AS v_ende FROM vote_main WHERE v_start < NOW() AND v_ende > NOW() AND v_active=1 AND v_top=1 ORDER by v_start DESC
0.214160 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_vote_nocurrent<
0.214211 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.214224 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.214258 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::party
0.214265 - CBOX::party                  -> generate Box
0.214272 - EVENT::short_event           -> id >26<
0.214277 - EVENT::getevent              -> id >26<
0.214281 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT, active, invite, password,, anzahl, preis, konto, kontocheck, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(kontocheck) AS kontocheck_unix, AS location, AS plz, AS ort, event_location.street AS strasse, event_location.countrycode, location_id, map_template, allow_signoff, voraussetzung, minalter, turnier, netzwerk, weiteres, banner, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(begin) AS begin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end) AS end, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(signupbegin) AS sgbegin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(signupend) AS sgend, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(seatreservebegin) AS seatbegin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(seatreserveend) AS seatend, seatimage, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(canceled) AS canceled, archiv_gallery, archiv_media FROM events LEFT JOIN event_location ON WHERE AND active=1
0.214424 - CACHE::get                   -> cache: >event_26::stats< found
0.214458 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_event<
0.214519 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.214534 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.214550 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::menu_party
0.214557 - CBOX::menu                   -> generate Menu Box >party<
0.214566 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.214579 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.214590 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.214600 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.214609 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.214619 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.214628 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.214637 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.214647 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.214656 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.214666 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu<
0.214684 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.214696 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.214710 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::forum
0.214716 - CBOX::forum                  -> generate forum box
0.214720 - CBOX::forum_load_threads     -> load data
0.214731 - CACHE::get                   -> cache: >forum::topthreads< found
0.214805 - CBOX::forum_threads          -> list all threads in array
0.214815 - FORUM::thread_lastvisit      -> threadid: array ( 0 => 2642, 1 => 2634, 2 => 2641, 3 => 2612, 4 => 2613, 5 => 2608, 6 => 2610, 7 => 2607, 8 => 2603, 9 => 2605, 10 => 2606, 11 => 2604, 12 => 2590, 13 => 2589, 14 => 2587, 15 => 2581, 16 => 2580, 17 => 2584, 18 => 2583, 19 => 2582, )
0.214831 - admin::getInstance           -> do
0.214851 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.214903 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.214930 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.214953 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.214974 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.214996 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.215018 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.215040 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.215060 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.215080 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.215094 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum<
0.215146 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.215160 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.215183 - PAGE::render                 -> final
0.215188 - PAGE::renderTemplate         -> page
0.215194 - PAGE::getHead                -> return
0.215198 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.215274 - HTML::template               -> template: >page<
0.215403 - PAGE::render_template        -> final

PHP Includes   : 22
DB Queries     : 26
Rendering Time : 0.215767

Includes PHP Files: 
 - /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
 - /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
 - /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
 - /www/htdocs/w01a78ce/
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